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Lock the Cellar Door
Gen Delacourt Mystery Book 6
Author: Molly Greene
Price: FREE
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Detective Gen Delacourt’s life is perfect … until a ceiling collapses on her fiancé during an earthquake. The resulting head injury leaves him tormented and remote, with little recollection of their relationship. All he remembers is the image of a woman in a window and the desperate sound of her sobbing. Frantic and alone, Gen turns to fellow private investigator Devlin Boyle for help. Together they unearth the mystery of Mack’s presence in the mansion, why he is now terrified of the dark, and who was weeping. Will Mack recover?

Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Suspense
Website: Molly Greene: Writer - Blogger & Author, Gen Delacourt Mysteries
Twitter: @mollygreene
E-Mail: authormollygreene (at) gmail (dot) com
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Author Description:
Hi readers! I'm a blogger and author of both fiction and non-fiction. My titles include Blog It! The author's guide to building a successful online brand (blogs based on WordPress), and the Gen Delacourt Mystery Series: Mark of the Loon, The Last Fairytale, Paint Me Gone, A Thousand Tombs, Swindle Town, Lock the Cellar Door, and Midnight at Half Moon Bay (out soon).
I currently live in the mountains outside San Diego, California, the city where I was born and raised - but I LOVE Northern California so much that I use various Bay Area locations as the setting for my fiction series. Meanwhile, I write about my life and self-publishing topics at Stop by and say hello!
Each Gen Delacourt Mystery works well as a standalone story…

A Desert View
Blue Eyes Book 2
Author: Glenn Trust
Price: $ 0.99
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Whatever happened to Alice?
She is back, working on her new life, trying to be like everyone else…normal. But normal for Alice is very different from most. Friends, work, love…her life…are all tainted by her past and the hard years of her youth. Strong and resilient, Alice is in Las Vegas now, hoping and working for that new life. But then circumstances take her down old familiar paths and the little voice inside reminds her of what she truly is…a survivor.

Author Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense
Website: Glenn Trust / Sweat Equity Books
Twitter: @GlennTrust
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Author Description:
A native of the south, Glenn Trust was born in Columbus, Georgia in 1951, the first of five children.
His father's work as a salesman filled his early years with moves from the banks of the Chattahoochee River in Georgia to Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Petersburg, Virginia and Baltimore, until finally returning to the Atlanta area in 1965. From then on, he remained a Georgian, going to school and growing up in the Atlanta area.
Varied work and life experiences have given him an appreciation for the virtues and faults of people at all levels of society.
He says about his work, "For the record, I love people, the humanity that populates the world. People are infinitely interesting, all of them. I may not like certain individuals and I may hate the things they do, but as a group, I am fascinated by people.
"I do work at trying to understand human strengths and frailties, and try above all else in writing to bring life and reality to the characters in my stories. The white hats the heroes wear are intentionally spotted and grayed by their own demons and struggles. The bad guys are not always misunderstood Robin Hoods. Sometimes they are just truly bad with no possibility of social redemption.
"In the end, the stories are fiction, about fictional people. I believe that through fiction, some of the greatest truths may be discussed and discovered about our humanity, or the lack of it.
"Finally, like real people, the characters I try to paint are not completely good and rarely completely evil. Like most of us, they lie somewhere in between."
To date, Glenn Trust has authored eight novels including The Hunters series of mystery/suspense thrillers and the Blue Eyes mystery/romance series featuring the exploits of Alice Trent, a woman making her way in a difficult world.
The work he considers his most important is Dying Embers, a novel about friendship, coming of age and overcoming the societal failings of the past. It is set during the turbulent days of the 1960's in the south during desegregation, a time that he personally experienced.
Lightning in the Clouds, a collection of short stories dealing with "end of life" events was published in February 2015. Others are planned.
While writing is his passion, he is also an avid RVer, walker, guitar player and reader, he resides with his wife in Nevada where they make the most of every opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy this beautiful world.

Laurel Heights
Haunted Hearts Series Book 1
Author: Denise Moncrief
Price: $ 0.99
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Book One of an exciting new series filled with paranormal activity, delicious romance, and plenty of suspense.
A dark cloud of deceit hovers over her family tree...
Left an estate by an aunt she’s never met, Laurel Standridge takes possession of Laurel Heights, hoping it will be the safe haven she needs to recuperate from her ill-fated relationship with Rand Peterson. Secrets long buried rise to the surface when her cousin James is murdered and dumped on the highway just outside the gates of Laurel Heights.
Her past trails her to the mountains of Arkansas...
Caught in an obligation Chase Peterson feels he cannot ignore, he agrees to help his brother Rand take back the property he believes Laurel stole from him, but Chase remains at Laurel Heights after he discovers Laurel took nothing of Rand’s away with her except nightmares, fading bruises, and a broken rib.
Unexplained disturbances shatter her hopes of a normal life...
Are the strange bumps, thumps, and bangs reverberating through the night caused by the murderer of Laurel’s cousin James, someone Rand has sent to exact his revenge, or a disturbed soul existing in another dimension, trying to communicate with the living? Drawn together by the intrigue surrounding Laurel Heights, Chase and Laurel become hopelessly entangled in a relationship that goes deeper than mere physical attraction. Can their love survive the haunting of Laurel Heights?

Author Genre: Romance, Mystery & Thrillers
Website: Denise Moncrief - Suspense, She Writes
Author's Blog: Suspense, She Writes
Twitter: @dmoncrief0131
E-Mail: denisemoncriefbooks(at)gmail(dot)com
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Author Description:
Denise is a Southern girl. She has lived in Louisiana all her life, and yes, she has a drawl. She has a wonderful husband and two incredible children, who not only endure her writing moods, but also encourage her to indulge her writing passion. Besides writing romantic suspense, she enjoys traveling, reading, and scrapbooking.
Accounting is a skill she learned to earn a little money to support her writing habit. She wrote he first story when she was a teen, seventeen handwritten pages on school-ruled paper and an obvious rip-off of the last romance novel she read. She's been writing off and on ever since, and with more than a few full-length manuscripts already completed, she has no desire to slow down.

Baja Blues
Liza McNairy Mysteries Book 2
Author: Dan Glover
Price: $ 0.99
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It seemed like just another routine case of a long-missing boy, until Liza McNairy and Danners Forthright traveled to Mexico to uncover the truth. Legends had sprung up in that God-forsaken place centering around el Diablo and the chupacabra and a thousand other tales told in hushed voices by the peasants who nearly all had suffered the grievous loss of a child at one time or another over the past decades. Now, McNairy and Forthright are confronted with one of their most formidable adversaries, one who wants nothing more than to see them both in their graves. Will the intrepid detectives persevere? Or will they do the smart thing and head for home?

Author Genre: Dark Fantasy
Website: Books by Dan Glover
Author's Blog: Dan Glover
Twitter: @DanGlover1
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Author Description:
In the late 1990s I was honored to work with Robert M. Pirsig (author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, and Lila: An Inquiry into Morals)which resulted in my first book called Lila's Child: An Inquiry into Quality, available in both print and as an e-file. Mr. Pirsig shares many insights into his Metaphysics of Quality, which allows for a deeper and more expanded way of understanding reality.
These days I write literary fiction rather than non-fiction, including the Gathering of Lovers series as well as the Mermaid series. I also have several collections of short stories and anthologies that revolve around Zen Buddhism and Eastern teachings as seen through the eyes of Western culture.

Author: Shawn Hopkins
Price: $ 0.99
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It has been months since John Carter's estranged brother, Henry, has gone missing. When last heard from, he was sailing off to Bermuda in search of an author whose books deal with the esoteric traditions of past ages.
Reluctantly, John joins Henry's old Special Forces Teammates on a trip to Bermuda, hoping to discover the truth behind Henry's disappearance. But not all is as it seems in Bermuda, and the puzzle that awaits John on the small island paradise will prove to be more sinister than anything the world has seen in a very long time.
As the fingers of an ancient evil seek to draw him into another world - a world where all of Hell is trying to break loose - John must confront the truth of his own past...and pray that he might survive its revelation...
...that the world might survive its revelation.

Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror
Website: Shawn Hopkins
Author's Blog: Shawn Hopkins - The Blog
Twitter: @shawnahopkins
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Author Description:
Shawn Hopkins lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and daughters.
His novels, PROGENY and THE SOLOMON KEY, are speculative action thrillers. PROGENY has been described as, "Dan Brown meets LOST meets Left Behind" while THE SOLOMON KEY is a novel of ancient conspiracy that "makes the DaVinci Code look like a walk in the park." THE DEMON SIGNET is a prequel/spinoff to THE SOLOMON KEY and is a supernatural horror thriller. SEAGULL SUMMER is a novella meant for the beach! A MAN OVERBOARD is a mystery thriller with a twist of espionage and intrigue that readers have described as "Conspiracy Theory meets Salt!"

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