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Bet you can't... FIND ME
Catherine Mans' Suspense Book 1
Author: Linda S. Prather
Price: $ 0.99
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Catherine Mans has the ability to see and hear what others can't. With the help of Homicide Sergeant Cody Allen, she's turned that talent into a successful profession as a psychic consultant.
But Catherine's past is coming back to haunt her. Someone is threatening the lives of everyone she loves.
Nine bodies have been discovered, and Catherine is the FBI's prime suspect.
To prove her innocence, she must unravel the secrets of her past, and answer the challenge of a deranged psychic.
Bet you can't…FIND ME!

Author Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Paranormal
Website: Linda S. Prather
Author's Blog: Linda S. Prather - Mystery At Its Best
Twitter: @jacodypress
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Author Description:
Kentucky author living in Lexington, Kentucky. I have always had a penchant for things a little outside the norm. I saw my first "ghost" when I was five years old, and I've spent my entire life trying to understand that vision. Was it real? And if it was, why? I became a paranormal investigator and love old houses that go bump in the night. I can often be found in old cemeteries just hanging out.
I studied metaphysics, including areas of touch healing, dream analysis, meditation and self-hypnosis. The power of the mind has always fascinated me. When reading I love books that allow me to travel around the world without ever leaving home. As an author my greatest desire is to create stories and characters that readers and love and hate, laugh and cry with and spend hours in sheer entertainment.
The Jacody Ives Mysteries was my first attempt to combine my love of mystery with my love of all things paranormal. The Catherine Mans series continues and expands that combination, delving into the darker side of the power of the mind.
I have always loved reading and writing. And although perhaps not a great literary work, I loved and was inspired by Old Yeller. The characters in that book were real to me. When I started writing, it was my greatest desire to write characters that readers could love and hate, laugh and cry with.
Knowledge was another love. I wanted to learn about everything. I studied metaphysics; delving into touch healing, dream analysis, meditation, and hypnosis. I received my associate's degree in metaphysics in 1992 and continued from there to become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I spent several years studying the effects of hypnosis on cancer and pain. I taught meditation, dream analysis and self-hypnosis through Eastern Kentucky University's Special Programs for four years. The power of the mind has always fascinated me. I've recently become a paranormal investigator, and love old houses that go bump in the night.

Run Girl
Ingrid Skyberg FBI Thrillers Book 1
Author: Eva Hudson
Price: FREE
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Run Girl is a novella - roughly half the length of an average novel
A missing girl and a race against time: Ingrid Skyberg’s first case in London
In Europe to help broker a peace deal, Secretary of State Jayne Whitticker is in the middle of delicate negotiations when her favorite grandchild goes missing in London.
Special Agent Ingrid Skyberg is hauled out of her FBI training session at Scotland Yard to head the hunt for the 18-year-old girl. The problem is, Ingrid has only one lead, just a few hours to track her down and can't call in the local cops for back-up in case the story gets leaked to the press.
Will Ingrid find the girl in time? Or will her failure lead to the collapse of crucial peace talks? Enjoy the ride in this fast-paced novella as the toughest Special Agent ever to come out of Quantico buckles up for a thrilling adventure. Resourceful, tenacious and indestructible, Ingrid Skyberg is unputdownable: she can take whatever her adversaries throw at her and still get up for more.
Run Girl sets the scene for Ingrid’s future adventures working out of the US embassy in London. If an American citizen lands in trouble… or winds up dead… or gets accused of a crime they didn’t commit, Ingrid Skyberg is on their case.

Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Literature & Fiction
Website: Eva Hudson
Author's Blog: Eva Hudson
Twitter: @Eva_Hudson
E-Mail: eva [at] evahudson [dot] com
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Author Description:
Eva Hudson was born and raised in south London and now splits her time between the serene rolling hills of Sussex and the chaotic streets of central London. She's been a local government officer, singer, dot com entrepreneur, portrait artist, web designer, project manager and content editor.
In 2011 her first novel, The Loyal Servant, won the inaugural Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize from Cambridge University. The story was also shortlisted for UK TV's People's Novelist Competition.

The Intern
Author: Dale Wiley
Price: FREE
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It's 1995. Things are going great for new Washington, DC intern Trent Norris. He's out on his own, he's found a fabulous woman to date, and if he doesn't love his internship, he doesn't hate it either. Life is nice.
But things can change in a moment in DC, and Trent finds himself the prime suspect in two murders and a slew of other crimes. Overnight he becomes the most wanted man in America.
Trent has to find a way -- any way -- out. He finds a way to hole up at The Watergate on a senator's dime and enlists a comely call girl as his unwitting ally. But with the media eating him alive, he knows he doesn't have long before they catch up with him. Can The Intern find his way out of this mess?
From tony clubs in Georgetown to Capitol Hill murders, The Intern has all the twists and turns of a classic DC thriller, with an added comic flair.

Author Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Mystery
Website: Dale Wiley
Twitter: @wileylaw2
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Dale Wiley is a Missouri attorney who has had a character named after him on CSI, owned a record label, been interviewed by Bob Edwards on NPR's Morning Edition and made motorcycles for Merle Haggard and John Paul DeJoria. He has three awesome kids and spends his days working as a lawyer fighting the big banks.

The Sharecropper Prodigy
A Southern Historical Thriller
Author: David Lee Malone
Price: $ 0.99
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A true underdog story of an unlikely hero and two best friends coming of age in depression era, rural Alabama. Tom is white, Ben is black. This creates problems in this particular historical period.
Ben Evans was born forty years too early. A black kid growing up in the height of the Great Depression in the South, being raised by an alcoholic, abusive and incestuous father. This is not the place, nor the circumstances, you would expect one of the brightest young minds of the time to emerge. But Ben has an insatiable curiosity from a very young age to learn everything there is to know about the world. With the help of Rachel Winston, the benevolent daughter of the man who owns the farm the Evan’s family lives on as sharecroppers, Ben finds a way to educate himself. He gains access to Rachel’s text books, as well as her fathers extensive private library. When a series of adventures cause Ben and his best friend Tom Martin to move to Atlanta to find work, Ben gets the opportunity to really expand his education. But the more educated Ben becomes, the more trouble he encounters in a time where black folks were not supposed to forget their place. Despite racism and other seemingly impossible barriers, Ben doesn't give in to self pity or hatred. Instead, he becomes more determined than ever. Genius and tenacity vs. racism, envy and lynch mobs in this southern historical thriller. Which will prevail? A novel for adults as well as young adult readers.

Author Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense,Historical Fiction
Author's Blog: The Most Politically Incorrect Blog On Earth
Twitter: @DavidLeeMalone
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Author Description:
I grew up and have lived my whole life in rural Alabama. Story telling was as much a part of daily activities as chores on the farm and sitting down to supper. I heard stories from such an eclectic cast of historical characters in my formative years, that I couldn't help but absorb some of these skills. Had some of the storytellers of my youth had the inclination to take pen and paper, write them down and submit them, I'm confident some of them would have produced best-sellers.
I waited until rigor mortis had almost set in to decide to actually try and get something published. Now, writing consumes most of my daily thought. I still, and always will,live within 5 miles of where I was born, with my wife, Detha, a first grade teacher, and my 22 year old son, Jacob, who apparently has no designs on ever running away from home. I have a daughter, Mara, who thankfully is married to a great guy.
I love writing what I know, which is southern, historical thrillers filled with plenty of action, drama and adventure. I also have another alter ego which compels me to write modern, dark thrillers. I try to write dialogue as accurately as possible, using the vernacular and colloquialisms of the place and time, without making it difficult to read for non-southerners.

Cisco Bandits
A Gwynn Reznick Novel
Author: Inge-Lise Goss
Price: $ 0.99
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Newly trained and ready to rock her first assignment, Gwynn Reznick is about to go undercover for the first time. She will investigate one of the highly private companies who call on Ruben Dordi’s Investigation Group. Ruben is the boss—and he also happens to be Gwynn’s boyfriend.
When Ruben gives Gwynn her assignment—to pose as an accountant for the Prudell Energy Company—Gwynn resists asking exactly what she’s supposed to be investigating. She knows Ruben has his reasons—she’s just not sure why they require her to go two months without even a hint as to why she’s there.
But things change quickly when Gwynn witnesses the death of a Prudell employee. It’s made to look like an accident, but when Gwynn learns that another employee died just before she arrived, it seems like a little too much of a coincidence.
When the CFO tells Gwynn about missing project files and data that just doesn’t add up, Gwynn finds herself suddenly in over her head. Will she be able to maintain her cover, follow Ruben’s orders, and get to the bottom of the mystery? Or will the killers get to Gwynn before she cracks the case?

Author Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Mystery
Website: Inge-Lise Goss, Author
Twitter: @IngeGoss
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Inge-Lise Goss was born in Denmark, raised in Utah and graduated from the University of Utah, magna cum laude. She is a certified public accountant and worked in that field for over twenty years. Goss lives in the foothills of Red Rock Canyon with her husband and their dog, Bran. She spends most of her time in her den writing stories. There, with her muse by her side, her imagination has no boundaries, and her dreams come alive. When she's not pounding away on the keyboard, she can be found reading, rowing, or trying to perfect her golf game, which she fears is a lost cause.

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